Sunday, February 16, 2014

Journal52 Week 5

I'll be updating the Journal 52 tab also but wanted to post this here as well, because I have a visitor in the picture I was taking of last weeks journal page.

The prompt was  The Lost Art of Love Letters.   Well I usually read the prompt and then think on it for a bit.  I came up with an idea but forgot the actual prompt and did a page on the Letters of Love - as in L, O, V, and E.

   Then I saw a bunch of the others and went Oh.  Good thing I hadn't figured out what I was going to do with the back of Week 4's page.  So here are the two pages with and with out visitors and I'll explain the techniques below.

Hi Georgie!  Right after this picture she sat on the pages.  Not sure if that meant she approved or not.

Letters of L,O,V, E.:   The suggested technique was to take a brown paper bag, dampen it, crunch it up, let it dry, brush with gel medium, dry, and then wipe on acrylic paint with a baby wipe.  This can look like leather.   So Leather and Lace or Leather endures - Ah what about Jeans they last a long time.   So I glued some faded Blue jean material to come card stock, cut out the letters, added marks for fake stitches.  There are many origami heart patterns and since it was Valentines Day I added a corner heart and some flowers.

Lost Art of Love Letters:  I scanned a small piece that my Mother had embroidered for my Father with their wedding picture.  The original had lace but I cut that off the picture and added real lace around the edge. of the page.  The scan is attached to the page on two sides only leaving a pocket to store other Love Letters.

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